JoM goes online
Virus … contact lock … social distancing … Covid19 … quarantine … corona
The world seems to stand still. It is a hard put on the brakes, an emergency stop. Life has totally changed – it really feels upside down.
But this planet keeps turning. We are not stopped, but slowed down. Yes, life has changed completely and everything has been turned upside down – but this change of perspective is also an opportunity.
The chance to rethink, see and decide, what was good and what maybe wasn’t …
The voices, that everything has to go back to normal as quick as possible, are getting louder again … but is that correct? Do we really want to go back there? Do we really think that everything should be the same again as before?
Maybe there is an opportunity in this crisis? Maybe we have the opportunity to rethink and change some things? At the same time, we experience and discover what was and is really important and what we want to maintain, cultivate, and cherish in a future of whatever shape.
Maybe this crisis also gives us the opportunity to restart …
In any case, there is now a chance to go ONLINE and explore the possibilities of the virtual world. It is up to us how much of it we want to take with us and retain after the crisis.
So stay curious and give it a try!
For example here.
And another example: Pilates is also available online !!! Not as a video, but as an interactive life class! Check here on my calendar which times and days suit you and direct message me.