Touch the earth
Joy of Movements first workshop will be about our
“The human foot is a masterpiece of technology and a work of art,”
Leonardo da Vinci wrote.
And they deserve much more attention, care and attention than we tend to give them as long as everything is fine.
Only when they get painful and a bath or a massage does not bring lasting improvement do they get our “real” attention.
And this often ends at the doctor, who only too often recommends insoles, injections or even operations.
For Joseph Pilates, our feet are the foundation of our body and he emphasized the importance of corrective exercises, especially for the feet.
For example, training on the reformer begins with exercises specifically for the feet and legs: Leg & Footwork.
And the first device he ever invented was the Foot Corrector.
The workshop about our feet will take place online and will last two hours.
So you can participate from home and pamper your feet with a footbath right afterwards – without having to force them into shoes again to make your way home.
We will look at various aspects relating to our feet:
• the anatomy
• evolution
• the various ailments and diseases of the foot
• and above all we will learn exercises and measures that are good for the feet and which are healing.
Feet – the hands that touch the earth
takes place twice in November. So you can choose either date:
second Saturday
13th November 2021 ● 4 pm – 6 pm
or third Saturday
20th November 2021 ● 10 am – 12 pm
Cost: 60 €
including a surprise box,
which you will receive after registration and
whose content you will use during and after the seminar
Please register directly with me by 1st November at the latest.